Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Online shopping

I've always been a sucker when it comes to shopping. Now there is online shopping; where we can shop at a click of a mouse! I'm at the library of my faculty; same old same old. Trying to study but found myself at this familiar spot...and I shop; again and again. I've been looking at the cardigan and pants for days. First it was available and I didn't go for it. Then it was sold out and I was consoling myself. Today it was magically made available and I had to have it! It is a wonder when I can shop in under 5 minutes but I can't finish a whole chapter in the same timeline!

I've always been a sucker for handbags. I've been buying handbags all the time but never clothes. Suddenly one fine day exactly 2 weeks ago, I bought my first pair of shirt and pants online. I fits perfectly and my quest continues. I now have the exact same shirt in 5 colours! It is the most comfortable shirt I've ever worn! The pants was so-so..planned to hand it to my sister sometime! hehe

I've better get this whole chapter over and done with or it will be a neverending journey for me when it comes to exams (nauzubillah).


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hiatus has finally ended

Hi all!

It's been a long long time. Well, here I am, typing this in the library when I'm supposed to be studying. Anyways, to recap the whole event of 2010..

I delivered a healthy baby boy on 20 March 2010 with birth weight of 3.33 kg at 2312 hours. Praise be to Allah! Alhamdulillah!

Of course I got married the year before :p on 30 January 2009. Just celebrated our second wedding anniversary with a 2 day stay at Pullman Putrajaya with our little one :) Note to hubby dearest; may our days together be filled with joy and laughter. I'm looking forward to the years to come! Insyallah.

Another significant event in my life is I've been accepted for masters at a local university and am now (supposed to be) studying for exam this coming May 2010. Wish me luck please!

I'm taking masters of otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery! What a mouthful eh? It's a full 4 year course. Pray that I'll complete this journey :)

That's all for now folks. Hopefully I'll keep this one going!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Nothing chauvinistic this time

I've had writer's block for months and am currently trying to pen down my thoughts but nada.. zilch.. Oh well till next time then. Don't blame me for lack of trying :p

Monday, November 24, 2008


Globus hystericus is a sensation of a lump in the throat. I've had globus sensation since my noon clinic session today from trying to make a male chauvinistic pig to understand (pun not intended) . Understand the disease process and understand the system. I'm nowhere in the administration hierarchy. Please don't ask me to change the system. I was there to help but I've utilised my patience to the max. The days are getting longer and my patience is wearing thinner. Quoting Ms S' can-do attitude with her tagline 'can can can' usually lifts my spirit but I'm not so optimist at the moment. My tagline is now 'how how how'? *sigh* 'Persevere persevere persevere lah'

Monday, November 17, 2008

Drug talk

In the medical line, we sometimes refer medicine as a drug. Or a proper word is pharmacotherapy. When I said to non-medical personnel that I have to attend a drug talk, I will usually get a blank stare and a look of astonishment in return. Before the question of ethics arise, I will usually explain that drug is actually medicine that we use to treat patients and drug talk is a talk organized by a drug company about a particular brand of medicine and its uses.

Last Saturday, I attended a drug talk in Hotel Nikko. The food was great! haha.. ok the talk was great too. I bumped into my uni-mate, who is currently the medical advisor for the company. He is currently not seeing patients and earning big bucks. He is happily settled in his current job while we continue our years of slavery (pun intended!). But don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him. Anyway, the speakers were two distinguised professors; one from Harvard University and the other from National University of Singapore.

At the end of the talk.. there was the Q&A session and moi asked a question. It was well received. If I were a guy, I would be labelled as a male chauvinistic pig because this is what the entry is all about. Moi asked a question :p

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Had a productive day at work today. The day started off with tonsillectomy done by moi, a bit jittery due to lack of practice; not by choice though - the operation theater was closed for 2 months. Then had a nose procedure on another patient; TIT (trimming of the inferior turbinates). I did the left side and my colleague, K did the right. In the afternoon had an ear procedure - called M&G (myringotomy and grommet insertion) which is loosely translated as making a hole in the ear drum and putting a ventilation tube in place to drain the middle ear fluid. As before, I did the left side and K did the right. That was my first M&G and it went well. Thankfully.

I am thankful to my ENT surgeons, Mr H and Ms M for allowing us to actually perform those procedures and my sincere gratitude for your patience in teaching us!

Thank you and thank you. I'll make an effort to read up more to be a better student, Insya-Allah!

Oh, just received a call.. better get ready because someone's going to watch Mamma Mia the movie with a significant someone :p. Tickets courtesy of the radio station light and easy.

The day could not get any better :)

Monday, September 22, 2008


This is dedicated to you Bousouq!

My beloved cat
With an attitude
Used to call you 'Busuk', but decided to change it for the better
You respond lovingly too when I call.. Bous and sometimes Souq
You still smell but you always smell good to me
Although you gave me fleas last year, I still love you
Of course I like you better without those nasty fleas
But as always it's never your fault, those fleas attracted to you
You are like a big brother to the fleas ridden cats
Always playing with them
And when their mums left them you even groomed them
Now, have you ever seen a cat with such an attitude?
Walked gracefully when called
Never in a hurry
That's when I discovered the true meaning of 'catwalk'
Exactly like those models on the runway; even better I must say!